
Top 5 Benefits of Outdoor Activities

It is widely accepted that there are considerable health benefits to be gained from spending time outdoors.  To celebrate the launch of our new family Bushcraft courses, here at Spartan Survival HQ we have taken a look at the benefits of outdoor activities and have created our own list of the Top 5.  Take a look and see if you agree with our list and if you find yourself longing after some of these benefits for your family, then get in touch and take a look at our next available course dates.

Fosters a Healthy Lifestyle

Activities involving focus and time in the fresh air promote better sleep. Studies have shown that being outside improves health, both physical and mental. In addition, being relaxed and forgetting about the worries of the world can also help improve health. Lastly, you may not realize how scarce fresh air and outdoor activity are in your day-to-day life. When you go on a bushcraft survival course, you get the wondrous scents of the outdoors, as well as the smell of dinner cooking over an open fire.

Promotes Family Bonding

Time as a family doing an activity together improves communication, strengthens relationships, and reduces stress. Learning a new skill together makes this time even more valuable as it boosts self-esteem and promotes resilience and adaptability, all essential life skills.

It’s also a wonderful time for young people to learn from their parents and develop a greater level of respect. It can help strengthen bonds between family members — brothers and sisters, parents and children, and the list goes on. You’ll all return home feeling much stronger as a group.

Increases Self-Confidence

Creating shelter, starting a fire, cooking a meal; are all activities that, once completed successfully, can help young people (and adults) build self-confidence. In fact, bushcraft and wild camping is often used to help children and teens develop a greater self-concept and self-worth. When young people are confident, they are more likely to be successful in the future!

Creates New Friendships

A Bushcraft course isn’t just your family in the countryside, all alone! Our Bushcraft courses will often be made up of three or four family groups that are able to enjoy the new challenges and experiences together and can then share stories over the campfire in the evening. It’s a great way to meet like-minded people as you learn new skills together.

Allows Families to Relax, Unwind and De-Stress

There are so many pressures in life today, for adults and young people. From working to getting good grades to paying the bills, everyone feels a little anxious during the year. Getting out into nature can really help families relax and unwind. They can put down their phones and leave the electronic devices at home and just concentrate on having fun and engaging in a new adventure. Being able to de-stress can help increase productivity when returning to work and school!